Ops Efficiency

Third-Party Administration | Maximize resource efficiency, maximize investment yield

Companies looking to maximize efficiency and grow have a great opportunity to optimize and scale their business processes without a heavy investment in hard and soft resources. This is accomplished by delocalizing traditionally internal operations to positively influence product and service offerings...and improve the business model itself.

Third-Party Administration (TPA) provides a strategic path for insurers who want to excel in today's environment and position themselves to take advantage of future opportunities.

The insurance industry faces intense market pressures from many angles - new entrants are quickly exploiting new technology with niche offerings while consumers are clamoring for the intuitive experiences that are now routinely offered by other industries. Third-Party Administration (TPA) or Technology-Enabled Outsourced Services provides a strategic path for insurers who want to excel in today's environment and position themselves to take advantage of future opportunities.

What is "Tech-Enabled Services"?

Tech-Enabled Service companies exist in many different spaces but can be boiled down to this: business services companies that use modern and open technology to deliver something better, faster, and cheaper than if done in-house. Tech-Enabled Services are replacing the physical/on-premise delivery model with on-demand delivery models.

Benefits of Utilizing Third-Party Administration in Insurance

Flexibility and Scalability

Customer demands are changing faster than ever due to rapid ascent of technology and greater demand for real-time information. To take advantage of evolving customer desires and rapidly adapt to market conditions, insurers need flexibility and scalability in their operations. Third-Party Administration, also referred to as Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), provides flexibility and scalability advantages to the insurance industry, often at a lower cost than maintaining internal operations. BPO most certainly reduces valuable human capital that can (and probably should) be employed for more valuable endeavors.

By utilizing a technology-heavy Third-Party Administration service, like Input 1's Billing-as-a-Service, insurers can rapidly and cost-effectively enhance their billing and payments services, bringing new products to market faster, and create economies-of-scale that increases profit margins with greater ease. An established third-party administrator already possesses the expertise, staff, technology, logistics structure, and resources that streamline and perfect the services they offer, whether it be billing and payments, claims, data management, human resource services, etc. Moreover, experienced third-party administrators have purpose-built APIs that accelerate integration with existing core systems, and they can tailor their services to fit the nuances of carrier products.

Insurers need flexibility and scalability in their operations to take advantage of evolving customer desires and rapidly adapt to market conditions.

Insurers need flexibility and scalability in their operations to take advantage of evolving customer desires and rapidly adapt to market conditions.

Through TPA, insurance companies and managing general agents can quickly scale their operations to satisfy changes in the organization's needs while significantly decreasing the transition time and cost to implement these changes. Also, insurers looking to grow gain the flexibility to make business decisions without locking themselves into a long-term path because of logistical considerations attached to having these services in-house. Modern third-party administrators are cloud-based, omnichannel and do not require costly version upgrades.

Decrease in Operational Costs

As insurers navigate business cycles and the changing insurance market, decision-makers seek to improve the standing and productivity of their companies. Strategic reduction of certain expenses and reallocation of resources towards growth initiatives will yield greater efficiency and higher margins.

A significant cost to a company is the selection, education, and management of human capital. While billing is a core process, the human resources deployed to this process come at a very high opportunity cost compared to the same deployment towards revenue-generating efforts such as product innovation and enhanced selling techniques. Choosing a tech-enabled TPA vendor alleviates the cost of:

  • Hiring internal staff or spreading existing staff too thin between projects
  • Material, equipment, and additional office space
  • IT infrastructure
  • Expensive core software systems

Moreover, tech-enabled services are frequently charged for using a recurring-revenue billing model, including subscription, transactional, and other utility (volume of usage) -based measurements. This means that adopters of these services can pay for them as they are used, with the revenue generated by the business as it grows, rather than making large capital investments up front.

The agility realized by Tech-Enabled Services creates a meaningful opportunity for increased efficiency and decreased costs.

Focus on Core Competencies

Core competency is an organization's defining strength, providing the foundation upon which the business will grow, seize new opportunities and deliver value to customers. While there are many avenues to gain a competitive edge in the marketplace, to ensure long-term growth and success, an organization should identify its core competencies and then invest in those areas, focusing resources on building and maintaining the skills that contribute to the greatest success.

When we are talk about core competencies in this context, we are not talking about core processes (i.e., policy, billing, claims, etc.). Rather, we are talking about what makes a company unique. At Input 1, it is our thesis that the best outcome a company can have is when it retains its core competencies while finding how best to execute its core processes - and sometimes that means outsourcing them.

Further developing core capabilities requires significant resources and support from a company's decision-makers and management. A company seeking to develop its core competencies must identify strengths that provide a competitive advantage and build infrastructure to ensure success.

Partnering with a tech-enabled Third-Party Administrator allows carriers to focus on growing their markets and increasing product profitability and quality.

We believe that partnering with a tech-enabled Third-Party Administrator allows a carrier to focus on growing their markets and increasing product profitability and quality. Focusing internal staff and limited resources on revenue growth rather than operations will result in a higher ROI.

Benefits of Using Billing-as-a-Service (Baas)

Utilizing Billing-as-a-Service for billing and payment management is a way for insurance companies to differentiate themselves from the competition and focus on their core competencies of creating and selling great insurance products. BaaS can manage every step of a payment collection lifecycle while providing exceptional customer experiences, adaptable to each product and fully integrated into the carrier portal.

BaaS providers, like Input 1, provide the flexibility and cost-effectiveness to scale operations up or down based on variations in volume and market conditions. Adapting to fast-changing customer demands in a service industry is a crucial component to staying competitive and maximizing operational efficiency.

Furthermore, utilizing client-branded Billing-as-a-Service delivers an elevated agent and customer experience. Policyholders are looking for exceptional self-service tools when they have queries or require assistance. Agents are looking for quick answers to their questions and self-service tools to common tasks. With BaaS, insurers get all of this and more - without significant capital outlay and in a fraction of the time.

Tech-Enabled Insurance for the future

Companies face many challenges in their quest to improve business processes, decrease operational costs, and offer a seamless customer experience. A strategic way to gain a competitive edge in the market is to partner with a Tech-Enabled Services firm to manage an existing yet cumbersome core business process more efficiently and focus on other initiatives that yield greater returns. The companies who move swiftly and decisively are likely to be those that win big. New revenue streams await insurers that search out and tap into digital. Shifting from reactive - indemnifiers of risk - to proactive partners to their customers.

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